Acromegaly and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

So, I went to the doctor for a check-up earlier this day. And boy oh boy! I didn't expect what happened.

So, I expected the possible diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It is a disease affecting women, casuing subfertility/infertility. I've known about the disease years ago when I started to look for answers regarding my condition. But what I am really shocked was 'Acromegaly'. Acromegaly occurs due to the hypersecretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland after the epiphyseal plate closes.

I don't know what to feel at this very moment. These diagnoses aren't really final. I still have to travel to a different place to get my laboratory tests done.

If I am to be diagnosed with Acromegaly, I don't have any idea how to live my life anymore. It is a chronic disease that causes malformation of physical features and eventually causes premature death. Of all diseases, I didn't expect this one to come up on my list of probable diseases. I can accept Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, despite the fact that it WILL really hurt me because I've always wanted a daughter.

I can't fathom why this has to happen. I don't really know what to say or do anymore. I'm lost beyond words. It's like my whole dream just faded away. I cannot really show what I feel to my family because I don't want them to see me stumble, I don't want to see them sad.

There's nothing left to do but to pray to God that all of this shall be good. That this is just a temporary trouble that I have to pass through. God, please. I pray that my Growth Hormones are normal. I can accept PCOS, despite the fact that it'd make me crumble. You know how much I wanted children, You know how badly I love taking care of them. But if I am to choose between the 2, I'd go for PCOS. Please, Lord. Just hear my prayer. I don't wanna cause pain and financial burden to my family. I trust in you. But I know that YOU know what's good for me, and You have plans. I rest my whole life unto You Lord. Please hear my prayer.


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